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Marla - 50 ml
  • Marla - 50 ml

    Marla is femininity, a name that has always reminded of purity, kindness and beauty. 

    Marla is the warrior who has been through hell, but has never given up and is proud of everything she is now, even her biggest fragilities. 

    Marla is not your typical Femme Fatale, she has no past, doesn't have expectations about the future and lives in the moment. 

    White rose is the essence that dominates Marla, ripe and thorny, picked up at midnight on a cool September night, when it's not just a first weak blossom anymore, but rather the perfect bloom of a mature plant. 

    A rose gently laid on oakmoss, tonka beans and myrrh, a magical ritual for a new beginning leading to purity.  

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